Welcome to the GreenLeft Network of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand!
The GreenLeft Network (GLN) was originally formed in response to a shift towards centrism within the Green Party. It grew most notably after the Budget Responsibility Rules were announced in 2017. The GreenLeft Network strongly opposed the BRRs and helped ensure they were dropped by the Party in late 2019.
By signing up on this page you become part of our Network pushing for the progressive change outlined in our Kaupapa Statement. To become a part of the GLN, you need to be a current member of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. Non-members will be removed.
Before signing up, please read our Kaupapa Statement, Equity Policy and Privacy Policy below. The GLN's Rules of Operation requires all members to be bound by and act in accordance with the Equity and Privacy policies, and to uphold and support the Kaupapa Statement.
The GreenLeft Network holds true the existing Green Party of Aotearoa Charter.
Further, the GreenLeft Network believes that the way to honour these principles is through a strong commitment to intersectional left-wing policies and analysis, with particular regard to an anti-capitalist stance and a critique of power.
We honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the tino rangatiratanga of hapū and iwi Māori, recognising that they did not cede their sovereignty. We are committed to dismantling and redressing colonisation and colonial power structures, and to upholding the inherent precolonial rights of indigenous peoples internationally.
We are opposed to imperialism and militarism. The Green Party stands for an independent foreign policy and this requires us to leave our existing military alliances. We regard the struggles in New Zealand as part of a bigger, global, picture.
We work to dismantle systemic racism and foster an inclusive society where there is better understanding between Māori and tangata tiriti. This demands we centre the voices and experiences of those marginalised by discriminatory politics, including Māori, refugees and people of colour. We reject the scapegoating of these groups for political gain.
We recognise that capitalism produces a hierarchical classed society, which privileges profit accumulation at the expense of the many. We acknowledge that the capitalist system we live under is a base from which systems of oppression, hierarchy and division flow. We reject this, the GreenLeft Network aims to defend the rights of the poor and the working class, and fight all forms of marginalisation and oppression that capitalist society produces. We work to promote class analysis within the Green Party, as well as supporting those external groups already carrying out this work.
We recognise that we are all a part of the global ecosystem. As such, the fight for the planet is the same as the fight for the people, and the foundation of both is resistance to the concentration of and abuse of power. We reject “sustainable capitalism” as an oxymoron; we do not believe the market will ever be able to provide a genuine solution to climate change, and we indict the inherent violence of capitalism. We believe that climate justice demands the liberation of all people from oppression and coercion, including from economic coercion.
We are resolved to work together towards a just future in which our resources are shared, and dignity and democracy are enshrined at all levels of our social structures.
We believe that our vision, and the Green Party’s vision, for Aotearoa cannot be achieved by pandering, conservatism, incrementalism or arbitrary constraints on the political imaginary. We are in favour of the Green Party campaigning on a bold and radical left-wing platform in electoral contests. Arguing publicly for ideas and winning those arguments is what convinces people and makes parties ‘electable’, and shifting the cultural rhetoric is necessary to achieve the Green Party’s vision.
Members agree to treat information discussed in the context of the GLN as sensitive, and respect that other members have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Members will not share information that is not already publicly available with anyone outside of the Network, and will never share the personal opinions or views of members without their explicit consent to do.
Breach of any of the above three policies will be cause for termination of membership, at the executive's discretion.
Read the above? Great! You can now fill in the form below to join the GreenLeft Network!
Please note: There will be an annual renewal process for all GLN members. All members will be contacted annually to reconfirm their membership of the GLN.